What if you could have youthful & glowing skin


is for
Clean Beauty Badasses 
who want a nontoxic and eco-conscious personal care routine that actually works.




You’re a health-conscious and consumer-savvy badass.

You want products that are safe for your skin and the environment.

You refuse to cave to the unrealistic beauty standards set by cosmetic companies and social media.

You know you can stay drop-dead gorgeous and look 10 years younger than your age as long as you live a lifestyle that boosts your beauty from the inside out

You DON'T want to resort to botox, fillers or surgery...


It’s easier said than done.


You can’t trust labels because even products labeled as “natural” or “organic” sneak in harsh or harmful chemicals that could damage your health or the environment.

You spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on natural products (in hopes of doing the right thing) only to toss them in the trash because they just don’t work.

You worry about our increasingly toxic planet and about exposing yourself and your kids to hormone-disruptors, neurotoxins, & worse.

You feel guilty when you resort to using conventional products, but something’s got to give—why can’t you find a nontoxic beauty routine that gets results?


I'm Trina Felber

I’ve been where you are.

My story isn’t yours, but I also refuse to compromise.


I was newly married and 7 weeks pregnant when I miscarried. The moment is still so raw and vivid in my mind, and in that moment I made a promise to my lost child.

I promised that even though he would never take a breath, I would search for the meaning and do something good in this world for him.

The crazy part was that we were conscious about toxins before the miscarriage happened. When I became pregnant, we detoxified our house, cleaning supplies, and laundry detergent. We even bought air purifiers. But it never occurred to me to check my skincare products.

When I miscarried, I became deeply attuned to what I was putting on and in my body. I looked at my face lotion that was from an “organic” company that I trusted, and something in me told me to turn over that jar and read the label.

I was stunned by what I saw: chemicals, toxins, poisons.

I threw that jar in the trash and went to the kitchen in search of something “healthy” to put on my skin.

All I found that day was olive oil, but it was that moment that put me on a mission. I started mixing my own skincare products in the kitchen and was shocked by the results. For the first time ever, my oily and acne-infested skin cleared up. I became pregnant and delivered a healthy baby.

 It’s what led me to become the Mother of The Clean Beauty Movement.

As the founder of a truly organic, sustainable, and eco-conscious brand, I have insider access to information most people don’t know about personal care products. I believe we do NOT need to compromise and that products that are good for our bodies and the environment can actually work BETTER than their conventional counterparts.

This course will reveal the ugly truths behind the beauty industry



Confidently choose products that align with your values


Stop wasting money on natural products that aren’t all they claim to be


Simplify your beauty routine to get better results with fewer products

Get compliments from friends and family on your sparkling smile & glowing skin



Feel radiant from the inside out and unapologetic about your clean beauty routine!

An online course that reveals the dirty secrets of the personal care industry.

Join other Clean Beauty Badasses in…


Create your own nontoxic beauty routine that works!


Module 1 (Value $250)

Be Label Savvy | Learn The Truth About Skincare

Products marketed as “natural” and “nontoxic” often don’t have the evidence to back up those claims! It’s called “greenwashing.” In this module, you’ll learn how to be discerning in reading labels so you can stop wasting money on products that do more harm than good.

Simplified ingredients to avoid

What “natural” really means

Sneaky labeling tactics

Eco-conscious shopping

How to find clean beauty brands and products

Module 2 (Value $250)

Module 3 (Value $250)

Less Is More! The Art Of Clean Makeup!

Dive into the minimalist beauty philosophy that embraces simplicity and natural beauty. Inspired by the principles of clean beauty, this module will guide you through the essentials of achieving a radiant and healthy look using fewer products with purer ingredients. 

Module 4 (Value $250)

Create Your Glowing Skin Program

The cosmetic industry will have you believe it takes cosmetic procedures and harsh chemicals to maintain youthful and glowing skin. Wrong! In this module, we’ll break down the most ingrained beauty myths. You’ll create your own simple and nontoxic skincare routine that does NOT compromise on results!

Why water-based products are a rip-off

Choosing the best cleanser & moisturizer for your skin type

Why and how often to exfoliate

When to use a face mask and why

At-home alternatives to costly cosmetic procedures

Module 5 (Value $250)

Stop The Stench & Feel Sexy & Smooth As Silk

No clean beauty routine is complete without body care, but it’s so often ignored—especially when it comes to conscious, eco-friendly, and nontoxic products. How many times have you just grabbed the popular brand of hand lotion from the store shelf without looking at the ingredients? Learn how to eliminate B.O. without the chemicals.  In this module, we’ll cover products that will nourish you from head to toe.

Upgrade Your Dental Routine

How to heal a cavity

How to whiten teeth without damage

Answers to sensitive teeth & receding gums

How oral health relates to sexual health

“Natural” ingredients that put your oral health at risk

Did you know that most conventional (and even “natural”) toothpastes and mouthwashes contain harsh chemicals that disrupt the delicate balance of the oral microbiome or damage oral health in other ways? In this module, your eyes will be opened to industry secrets Big Dental doesn’t want you to know.

Little known causes of body odor

Why most natural deodorants don’t work and how to choose one that does!

When to know if you need a “pit detox” (and how to do one!)

Breaking down the myths about sun protection

Natural products to stay sun-safe

Choosing the right body lotion

Hair care, shaving, and more!

Learn how to enhance your features while maintaining a focus on skin health and overall well-being.

Gain insight into what clean makeup means and why it’s beneficial for your skin and health.

The 'secret' to looking younger... it's simple!

Learn how to curate a clean makeup kit with essential items that serve multiple purposes... and MORE!

you'll also get access to these bonuses!

Bonus Expert Sessions (Value $250)

Enroll today and unlock insider masterclasses with some of the top change-makers in the natural health and clean beauty movement.

Lifetime access to course and content updates!!

Community of Clean Beauty Badasses (Value $150)

You’ll get exclusive access to a private Bold Beauty community to share and get support from other badass beauties who are also committed to living a clean beauty lifestyle.


Don't worry though, because I'm giving it to you for way less!


Instant Access to 5 On-Demand Lessons

Bonus Insider Expert Sessions

Private Online Community

Lifetime Access to Course Modules

Regular Price: $697




*Payment options available during checkout.

Instant Access to 5 On-Demand Lessons

Bonus Insider Expert Sessions

Private Online Community

Lifetime Access to Course Modules

Enroll for just $397

Client Experiences

Kaitlyn T. 

Jada T. 

Trina Felber has transformed my skin! At 45, I battled sensitive and uneven skin without seeing results from various products. After consulting Trina, she customized a skincare regimen with simple at-home treatments. Within days, my skin evened out and sensitivity reduced. My makeup now glides on effortlessly, and I'm thrilled with the visible improvement!  

The Bold Beauty Course by Trina Felber has been a revelation for me at 47. I was skeptical about natural anti-aging techniques, but the results have exceeded my expectations. My skin looks more youthful and radiant, and I feel more confident without the need for invasive procedures. Trina’s guidance is comprehensive and empowering, making it easy to integrate these practices into my daily routine. I’m grateful for this course and highly recommend it to anyone looking to enhance their natural beauty.

Karen H. 

Trina Felber has revolutionized my skincare! I'm 53 and struggled with dry, sensitive skin that often had red patches, making makeup application challenging. After years of ineffective products, I consulted Trina. She crafted a tailored skincare routine that I started right away. Astonishingly, the red patches vanished within two days! My skin is no longer dry or blotchy, and my makeup looks flawless. My skin hasn't looked this good in over 20 years!  

The Bold Beauty Course by Trina Felber is a game-changer! As a 39-year-old, I’ve seen a remarkable transformation in my skin without relying on Botox or fillers. The natural anti-aging techniques are easy to follow and truly effective. Trina's expertise and passion shine through, making the course both informative and inspiring. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to embrace their natural beauty and defy aging gracefully.

April F. 

At 33, I struggled with fine lines, breakouts, and dull skin. Nothing I tried worked until I met Trina. Her program has revitalized my skin!  She designed a personalized skincare plan with at-home treatments. The results were quick—my skin cleared, brightened, and smoothed out in just a few days. My makeup now looks flawless, and I feel more confident than ever! .

Janet J. 

Claire S. 

As a 44-year-old with oily skin and wrinkles, I struggled to find products that worked. After consulting with Trina, she tailored a skincare regimen just for me.  The results were rapid and impressive. My skin is now balanced, and the wrinkles have visibly softened, giving me a fresher, smoother complexion. I’m thrilled with the improvements and grateful for Trina's expert guidance. 

Is Bold Beauty for Me?

This is NOT for you if:

You want a quick fix

You aim to look like the flawless image of influencers on social media

You believe you need chemicals or procedures to maintain beautiful skin

You care more about looking good than saving your health or the planet

You like long & complicated nightly routines and spending hours with the aesthetician

This is PERFECT for you if:

You want a plan that is sustainable over time

You want to give the middle finger to unrealistic beauty standards

You believe you can glow from the inside out because of a lifestyle that fuels your vitality

You refuse to compromise—on beauty, your health, and the environment

You like to keep things simple yet still show up to life looking like a gorgeous badass

Trina Felber

Mom, Registered Nurse, Best-Selling Author, Founder of Primal Life Organics, Clean Beauty Expert


If we’ve ever met, you know I tell it like it is. I’m on a mission to revolutionize the personal care industry, but I believe we can have our cake and eat it too. We can eliminate harmful toxins that pollute our bodies and the planet while also pampering ourselves with beauty products that make us look and feel fantastic.

As a mom, I know that band-aids hurt worse when you rip them off than when you peel them off slowly, and that’s exactly what I do for you in this course. I don’t sugar-coat anything. I tell you the hard truths and dirty secrets the beauty industry hopes you’ll never find out.

So together, we can pave the way for a cleaner, sustainable, and more beautiful future.




What’s included in Bold Beauty?

This is an online course that gives you instant access to 5 pre-recorded modules. Topics include reading labels, dental care, deodorant, skincare routines, and body care. You also get access to pre-recorded masterclasses with insider experts from the health and wellness field.

Who is this course for?

This course is a perfect fit for anybody who is an eco-conscious and savvy consumer who wants nontoxic personal care products without compromising on results. You will learn secrets the cosmetic industry doesn’t want you to know and the truth about natural products. You’ll create your own personalized clean beauty routine that will make you look and feel amazing.

How do I access the content?

As soon as you sign up, you’ll get login information to access the content inside a member area. All materials are pre-recorded so you can dive in right away.

How much time will this take me?

Each of the modules are broken into easy to watch 10-20 minute videos. You can listen anywhere and anytime, making it convenient even for the busiest badasses!

Does this course recommend specific products?

Yes and no. While we will not hold back and are happy to discuss specific products by name, the goal of this course is to empower you with information so that you can be a savvy and discerning consumer.

What is the refund policy?

While we do not offer refunds for this course, we trust you won't want one! This course reveals information you aren’t hearing anywhere else. You’ll love the results you get when you learn how to choose products that truly are nontoxic, environmentally friendly, and work.

Ready to Boost Your Clean Beauty Confidence?


Instant Access to 5 On-Demand Lessons

Bonus Insider Expert Sessions

Private Online Community

Lifetime Access to Course Modules

Regular Price: $697




*Payment options available during checkout.

Instant Access to 5 On-Demand Lessons

Bonus Insider Expert Sessions

Private Online Community

Lifetime Access to Course Modules

Enroll for just $397